Thursday, August 2, 2007


ok. i've been eating bad stuff lately. but i'm not going to go into it... i'm not even going to dwell on it. instead i'm going to re-post what Jinjee posted in today's daily raw inspiration:

- The state of your life is a reflection of your state of mind

- Every thought of frustration is like purchasing a ticket for more frustration. Every thought that agrees that you're stuck is asking the Universe to send you even more of that glue to keep you stuck.

- Anything you want to succeed in, you can do - ANYTHING!

From Everyday Wisdom for Success by Dr. Wayne Dyer

you can sign up for the daily raw inspiration here.

peace and (self)love,
the beautiful and amazing sam!!!!


Sally JPA said...

I get the appeal of The Secret, but the idea that people have brought holocaust, cancer, AIDS, etc., upon themselves through any more negative thoughts than anyone else is anathema to me.

Go Raw Vegan! said...

Yeah... it's been a while since I wrote this post and I've had some time to think about it, and I think that there's more power in the positive thoughts. Even if everything is untrue about the vibrations, etc., at least by thinking positive thoughts you spend more time happy and loving life than just being a negative Nancy. :) -Sam