Monday, February 26, 2007

Wonderful Day!

I was eating my vegan lunch at my dorm dining hall this afternoon, and as I was speaking with my friend about my new lifesyle and future plans to become 100% raw, she told me a guy accross the room is a raw-fooder. I got up and talked to him almost imediately. To my surprise he said he is not all raw, he eats milk and meat, and advised me never to give up milk, that it is so good for me and my bones; that it is the best form of calcium and sesame seeds are proven not to digest right in our bodies. I got very puzzled after this conversation which I expected to go the opposite way. I was so perplexed by the comments this guy made I began to question my new raw food beliefs, and that scared me. So I called Mehmet, the chef who inspired me, for the most part, so seriously consider raw. He answered at his restaurant and we had a long conversation about raw, and he confirmed that the phosphates in greens and sesame seeds carry more oxygen in your body, carrying calcium more efficiently in the bloodstream; milk cannot do that because cows get the calcium from the greens THEY eat. Then I told Mehmet about changing my major to Human Nutrition, being back in Chicago, reading the book that got him inspired, aspiring to be raw this summer, becoming vegan, etc. He seemed impressed and maybe touched...because he asked when I was to be returning home (early may), and he said he would set up an internship for me, teach me, and certify me as a chef!!!!!! It was my dream come true, I almost burst into tears on the phone, but I thanked him endlessly and with all my heart, instead. What a wonderful day!!! AND I had a delicious meal of a fresh, ripe avocado mixed with a delicious mango :)

New Recipe!

I made something delightful for dinner! It's called....Italian Tofu Burrito. It's very cosmopolitan!

1 flour tortilla
1 small roma tomato, chopped
1 1/2 cups baby spinach and/or basil
1/4-1/2 cup firm tofu in small chunks
extra virgin olive oil (cold-pressed)
1 t. dried oregano
Onion or onion powder/flakes to taste
salt and pepper to taste

Sautee tomatoes and tofu in oil for a bit (approx. 5 min).
Add spinach and continue to sautee until wilted
Add seasonings

Serve on a warm tortilla!!

It's simply fantastic, and absolutely fast. You could definitely go organic on all the ingredients; this meal isn't raw at all, but it's completely vegan! I hope you try it and please feel free to post any recipes you may have or invent along the way! -Sam

First Vegan Day!

Well, everyone! Yesterday was my first day totally vegan. I had been trying the past few days and had decided it would be better for me to transition instead of jump right in again. I feel great! I had a delicious day yesterday and ate only one cooked meal (lunch). I'm trying to eat more raw foods, too, and it's getting to a point where I feel very guilty about putting cooked food into my body. I feel bad for my poor, hard-working little enzymes! I want them to live!! Anyways, I just wanted to share with you how proud I am of myself. I hope to continue in such a great direction but I'm trying to understand, too, that if I 'relapse' it's not because I don't have willpower, but because cooked food and dairy are real addictions. I'm still considering myself in the transition phase but hope to be totally vegan by spring break, no later than the week after. Cheers! -Sam

Sunday, February 25, 2007

People call me....

Hill, Hillarious, Hillarity or even Hillary. You can call me whatever you want, including Unhealthy.

I ate a hamburger for the first time about a year ago. I liked it. I became addicted. Wendy's Jr. cheeseburgers and Steak n Shake Frisco melts were a special treat to me. While they tasted good, I was ignoring the fact that they were pissing off my entire system. That little 2 dollar whopper I ate a year ago, was the beginning of a very unhealthy weight gain. I wasn't eating fast food every day, maybe once a week or every other, yet it was enough to make my body hate me, and for me to hate myself. About 3 months ago I reached an all time high in my body weight. I have been able to take off 12 lbs by elminating Starbucks Chai and fast food, but I'm looking for something more. I'm going through a transformation right now, so exciting and so exhilarating. I have become a vegetarian for the first time in my life, soon to be vegan, and then completely raw!

I hope you enjoy reading my journey.
Love, Hillary

First Post!

Hi everyone!

Shana, Hillary, and I have created this blog to keep you folks in Internet-land updated on our dieting adventures. We're all currently living vegetarian/vegan lifestyles and will be living totally raw this summer! We're very excited and look forward to much improved health and happiness, in both the spiritual and physical sense. We encourage you to do some reading on these subjects to understand the process we'll be going through and perhaps to consider embarking on a raw diet yourself!! Please feel free to ask any questions at all and keep in touch with us.

Love, Sam