Saturday, June 21, 2008

sweet raw

well things have been gloriously raw for me lately. i've been reading angela stokes' raw emotions and enjoying it thoroughly. i've been chomping on fruit salads with honey, spinach salads, and nori wraps with sprouts and avocado. i've been drinking lots of water and kombucha... i recommend trilogy. things have extremely delicious.

yesterday was my first day of detox. although i have a small sore on my tongue that i contribute to my raw change, yesterday's migraine and cold sweat was the worst of my detox so far. interestingly, it was on the 4th day of raw... last summer i did an OJ cleanse and the 4th day of that was absolutely terrible. i think i've figured out how long it takes my body to get in gear and realize something's goin down. ;)

the only cooked things i've eaten... my favorite sun-dried tomato vinaigrette (which is almost all sugar... ugh) and about 1/2 c. of roasted red pepper hummus (over the course of the past two days). i am addicted addicted addicted to hummus. i love it. i love the raw version, too, but... sometimes i feel like i should just cut it out completely because it's rather high in fat and i tend to eat cups of it at a time.

that's about it in my little raw world. glad to be back in the game.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i am a huge trilogy fan and it has been way to long since I stocked up on some! Thanks for the reminder! Glad I found your blog!